API Management in PubSub+ Event Portal

This feature is available as an Early Access release.

There is an ever-increasing need to provide PubSub+ Event APIs to complement existing synchronous APIs, such as REST and GraphQL. The typical use case gives applications better real-time access to data without the need for polling. Many API providers want to integrate event APIs into their existing Developer Portals so that their developers can explore and gain access to event APIs, similarly to how they get access to other APIs.

The API Management Dev Portal (APIM/DevPortal) provides access to PubSub+ Event Portal for integration with API Management platforms, API Marketplaces, and Developer Portals. It provides a simplified interaction and object model aligned with management APIs that are provided by API Management platforms.

Event APIs are documented using the AsyncAPI 2.x standard, which is increasingly supported by APIM vendors and open source developer portals, such as backstage.io.