(Beta) Get a specific resource object for an event broker service by the object path using a SEMP GET

Get the details for a resource object using the unique identifier for the event broker service and the resource object path.

Note: The Try It! feature for this API does not work. To use this API, you must:

  1. Copy the URL to another program.
  2. Remove the /** appended to the end of the URL.
  3. Replace the variables in the URL as specified in the PATH PARAMS.

For more information, see Configuring OAuth Profiles for Management Access to Event Broker Services in the Solace documentation.

This SEMP API supports the following SEMP objects only:

  • [oauthProfiles]

Your token must have one of the permissions listed in the Token Permissions.

Token Permissions: [ `mission_control:access` **or** `services:get` **or** `services:get:self` ]
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!